Hepatitis B

A Video Series

Living with Hepatitis B

Welcome to our video series on living with hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver and can cause serious health problems. However, with proper care and treatment, you can live a long and healthy life with hepatitis B.

In this series, you will learn about the basics of hepatitis B, how it is diagnosed and treated, how to prevent transmission to others. Each video is available in several languages.

The videos are short and easy to follow, and you can watch them at your own pace and convenience. We hope that these videos will help you understand more about hepatitis B and empower you to take charge of your health and well-being.

Video Topics

To start watching the videos, please click on the topic that interests you. You can also access the videos directly in the page. Thank you for joining us and we hope you enjoy the video series.

General awareness about Hepatitis B

What is Hepatitis B?

Am I at risk?

How to Cope with Hepatitis B?

Treatment starts by regular check-ups

Fact or Fiction?
